One man's comments on everything

Friday, May 28, 2010

Let the past be the past

Two emails landed in my inbox simultaneously this morning: the asked the question: Is it time to change your focus ? and the other one had the heading : A new way of thinking.  I will go into a bit of detail about both just now.  My statement in this article is :  The past is exactly that : History.  You can learn from it , you can talk about it , You can have guilty consciences about it etc. etc.  You cannot change it : It is History.  You can change the future though - It is not there yet. You have the choices what to do with it,whether to plan for it or just accept it as it comes.

This brings me to the first email I received : Is it time to change your focus?  What was this guy on about?
The message is clear : If you do what you have always done, how can you expect different results.  These are such true words if only it gets applied.   The keyword is : Change your input , change your focus , look for new ways to do things , new niche markets , new people ,  New ways to run your sales force (Less salary - Lots and Lots of more commission ) Surround yourself with like-minded people.  Do not be afraid to try new things

This brings me to the second: A new way of thinking - this one had a christian undertone but so be it;
It started with this quote :And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; or else the new wine burst the wineskins and the new wine is lost.........

The message is clear : When you change your thinking get rid of the old holder where the old thinking was done and totally renew the mind to the new idea.  Never use the old way of thinking again because you will find that suddenly you have filled the thinking holder with old and new ideas and it suddenly burst and nothing is left !

This is true in personal life and in business.  If you do not change course you will end up where you were headed and that , my friend might not have been where you wanted to be !

We need to start thinking about new ideas in business - New partnerships , new products , new marketing methods and ways , new ways to connect and new ways to learn

to be continued .........


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