One man's comments on everything

Sunday, December 26, 2010

2011 for starters

I opened "Beeld" (an Afrikaans newspaper for the English amongst us) this morning on the Internet. The First 6 articles was all about death and destruction. It could have been published the same day last year and probably the last 20 years or so. Nothing new.
I do not think the public is really into this anymore.  Is this a foreboding of what Newspapers is going to publish in 2011?  Don't they realise that positive and interesting news will also sell ?

Lets tour the world for something more interesting 
Lets see Hollywood Moves Away From Middlebrow ( New York Times)
Midhurst's community heroes rewarded.
(what a nice positive story)  Where are our community heroes?

Some more positive news :  The poll at Times Live asks the question : will 2011 be better than 2010?
The vote ?   67% said yes (275 votes)  not bad hey?

Do some playing around on the internet on the world's newspaper headlines. It is really a challenge to find the positiveness out there and still it looks like common folks like you and me are more positive than what we think !

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