One man's comments on everything

Thursday, August 30, 2012

The need for greed vs the need for compassion

A recent article by Megan Power about the interaction of a big direct insurer (Outsurance) and one of their clients has prompted me to get involved. My involvement might not mean anything to Outsurance but they will feel the pinch !  I am bloody well going to make sure of that.

The facts are contained in Megan's article that appeared in Business times and in the Sunday times. For those that have not read the story here is the link  :

It makes for some riveting reading .   It is the story of a mega corporate insurance company who goes looking for reasons to screw this woman (Figuratively )   She was physically raped in the ordeal that let to the loss she suffered in goods and that led to the claim she put in. Of course they found the reason in something that happened 10 years ago when an insurance policy was cancelled by another insurance company and which gave them just the reason they were looking for not to pay her claim. It appears that they have a whole team of experts that look into claims that might go over a certain amount (or some other funny criteria)  This of course is never told to any client on the telephone when an application is processed.

Now any normal person in today's life accepts that once you have been accepted by an insurance company they have done their homework. But greed (read Outsurance) does not work that way.  One can only assume that they have a margin - which it seems is around where the claim amount exceeds the premiums paid where they start looking for reasons to repudiate a claim.   One can also imagine that they have to find the funding to pay for the massive new building that is nearing completion in Centurion and the amateur speedcops waiving their hands whilst trying to impersonate community service in conducting traffic all over Centurion.

I can just hear the board members saying : Nail this girl. Do not show her any mercy.  She lied about something that happened a mere 10 years ago (But as you all know we never forgive) We have to make profit at all costs.  This little incident with that impertinent Megan Power should not let us waiver in our quest.

The final thing that any normal person would take into account is that they took her money, she accepted she was covered and this incident happened to her.  There is nothing to indicate that this incident did not happen and that she lied about anything to do with this incident.  This should be the only criteria that should count. What has something that happened (or might have happened) 10 years ago to do with the facts of this case ?The only conclusion one can get to is that of the need for Greed and apparently Outsurance is an expert in  this field as can be seen from this incident.


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