I don't think people ("Us") understand the whole (Covid-19 lockdown) situation. This (the lockdown) is hitting the masses much harder than it is hitting "us" (as white, middle-class people).
Let me enlighten you a bit. For one, we are able to receive online tuition for our children because we have electricity and the internet and, in most cases, computers which are still working 100%. We have much more support structures that can handle most of the hardships brought on by the situation — the virus — which caused the lockdown, which by the way is a worldwide phenomenon.
Most South Africans (the working class) have to travel mostly by public transport, which has for all practical reasons come to a standstill except for the private taxis who can now only handle half their capacity resulting in longer waiting periods for those who have to travel whilst most of "us" have either private cars or have people who can take "us" to where we need to go.
We can order whatever we need from P&Pay, Checkers, Spar, and get it delivered to our door. Apart from those of "us” that have lost our jobs the rest of "us" is still fine. Like my housekeeper told us the other day: “Ma’am, I am so tired of sleeping, I am so tired of doing nothing and have to live in this one bedroomed house". I think we as white middle class people need to wake up and smell the roses. We are not being punished by the government — the lockdown has hit the masses that much harder!
I am not knocking you, as fellow white people....but must understand that government would not implement a lockdown — which is not of our making (it is a worldwide phenomenon) — to let us experience what the masses experience every day when the lockdown is hitting them ten times more than it is hitting us.
And our virus figures are much better than the rest of the world. I do not condone the whole system, don't get me wrong. But the rantings that are going on against the government and the lockdown is doing us no favour. The Economic burnout is still coming and the whole lockdown and Covid-19 deaths can never be weighed up against the financial hardships that are going to follow. And it is going to hit the masses that much harder. I do not believe in the conspiracy theories flying around.
The reality is this: The Rich will survive, most of the poor are not going to. Unfortunately most of the Rich is part of "us".
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