A few articles in the newspapers made me think of the ability of people to communicate without offending other people. The story of Woolworths that planned to take all Christian litterature off their shelves had a backlash from Christians all over the country. Of course it is the right of a company like WW to do what they like and make business decisions in their own interests. What they off course failed to observe is that you do no mess with Customer's heads in that way. This little mistake of theirs will become an example in marketing training classrooms as how you should not take customers for granted and how corporate businesses should not place their own interests above those of their customers. Of course whatever they say and how they made a U-turn will not take away the perception by Christians that they are frowned upon by the group. And as we all know, facts does not have anything to do with it - it is only perceptions that count
The point I actually want to make is the comments in the newspaper of the happening. Christians re-acted out of character. Comments against the actions of the Christian group brought out the ugly in people calling them all sorts of names. Not being able to communicate properly a lot of people resort to name calling.
This is a symptom of a sick society. It happens whenever people feel strongly about something and get frustrated with other people differing from them. This is how all sorts of rages start. Road rage, shoppers rage, whatever.
This exact thing occured with the recent ABSA rugby affair. Absa messed with their client's heads. People are passionate about Rugby. Whether rugby is 99% supported by the White community is of no relevance here. The bank used a political angle to mess with their clients. The same thing happened in the comments in the newspaper. Total irrational name calling and some even slanderious comments were made. It makes me wonder who actually taught some of these people to write as some of the compositions and sayings are totally blase and downright common.
I have stopped commenting on the articles if I cannot be one of the first in the morning and at least I can then comment on the actual article and not on what other people wrote !
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