Why would you want to change anything. " If you keep on doing the same things and expect different results = that is the definition of madness !" The original of this quote is attributed to Albert Enstein.
This implies only one thing that must happen if you expect different results : Change. South Africans know the meaning of change (If you are not an ostrich with your head in the sand) It is what life is all about.
Without going into the necessity of change in more detail let us assume that One (you) (me) (whoever)
have decided to do something that needed change then the rest of this article will apply:
The 3 pillars of change (This is not the change cycle- It is to get the process going to facilitate the change)
1 Clarity of what you want to change - What is it that you want to change ? Your lifestyle or the car?
Get rid of the dog or the smell ?
2. The tools you need to effect the change - You want to buy a new car - cash or finance ?
Who is going to do what - Arrange a test drive - what car are you looking at. It is no use phoning the Mercedes Benz dealer if you want to buy a BMW.
3. Probably the most important pillar is the inner conflicts that needs to be addressed
Inner conflicts are controlled by by few very strong emotions and beliefs:
1. The conspiracy theories, Dogmas call it what you want
There are all sorts of people with all sorts of weird ideas out there: The internet is the devil
Facebook is bad for you. In the near future you will have to have matric to be able to vote. The Illuminati will rule the world. The government wants to keep us in debt. And THOUSANDS more
There might be some truth in some of them but by far the most can be described by a very nice English
description called BS Bullsh**. Get these things out of your life - they influence your capability to change and hence your capability to grow.
2. The conditioning : Everyone of us have been conditioned to the nth degree in our lives. Everyone of us have thrown off some of those conditionings but most of us are clinging to some of them for dear life. The result : If you have to change something that is in conflict with that conditioning you can bet your life you will have a problem. You cannot differ with your pastor - Says who? You cannot swim after eating - Yea great ! ( great BS that is) You should start drafting a list of these and other conditions that are holding you back in life !
3. The bad clan : (Probably part of the conditioning - but yet a bit different - You belief this because some influential people are saying and believing it - and you are afraid to differ )
Here are some of the examples:
"Money and wealth is bad for you"
" Work on Sunday is bad"
" Butter is bad for you"
" Vegetarianism is the only healthy lifestyle- meat is bad"
Next time you hear someone saying that something is bad for you just ask a one word question: Why?
I do, but I never stay to hear the answer because I do belief in BS when I see it.
Here's to happy changing = Change your thinking and change your life.
South Africans managed to stage one of the best World cup soccer tournaments ever in the history of the game. Yet we are seen as the most crime ridden country in the world. Crime was nowhere in sight during the games - Why ? Because we (South Africa as whole) decided to change for that period.
So what is holding us back to let go of all our Nonsense and become the greatest nation on earth.?
Only one thing is holding us back : Our inability and unwillingness to CHANGE!
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