One man's comments on everything

Monday, May 16, 2011

The politics of politics

We are two days away from major voting.  This morning somehow some debate on the political issue crept up on me via facebook.  Now I still say that facebook is not a place for politics or religion and a few other arguments should be kept out of it.  This said I found some of the arguments very interesting. 
There were black voters that still feel that the Whites are the enemy.  There are those that feel they will follow the ANC blindly.  Then there are feelings that all parties have skeletons and the brotherly thing is abundant in all of them.  This is also one of my opinions, just for the record.
I will be voting for the DA.  Not because I hate the ANC.  I think they are doing a great job. Sometimes and not enough times. They are a colour conscious party.  If you differ from me prove me wrong. I am only interested in your opinion if you can prove me wrong. I am a 63 year old White male and frankly my dear I full blue all for BEE.  We will in spite of BEE do our thing, survive and grow.
Another concern is the ANC (and of course the country) President, the hon Mr Zuma.  His lifestyle does not
give me any confidence.  His beliefs is beyond belief and foolishness.  (See the definition of fool before you critisize what I am saying).  
Then in some of these arguments there are very wise words written by blacks.  I am not going to quote them. I am just saying that it confirms my belief that we are a great country in spite of some fools around us.
Fools called Julius and Steve. Need I say more ?  I am a South African , will always be one and will be here to the end. I have committed myself to make a difference.  I have started a business at 63 that will uplift, train and educate some of the vast majority that did not have the opportunity in the past. I am not seeking help from government, I am seeking it from the rightminded citizens of this country.

Why am I voting DA?  They are the least of 2 evils.  The other small groups cannot even be considered , they are the worst of the evils.  Just opportunists trying to feed on the crumbs.

The opinions here are mine - this is my blog and my feelings.  If you do not like it write your own.

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