One man's comments on everything

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Pro activeness

Reading through some of the recent articles on farm attacks and other murders, attacks and burglaries it is evident that a lot of faith is put in burglar bars and alarms systems and nothing on early warning systems.  We have started with research on what is available in the market and will probably commission an interested party in the high tech security field to develop a reasonably cheap hight tech early warning system.
One of the other major problems is awareness or rather the lack thereof. Police and other authorities stress the importance of good neighbourly-ness but when you talk to victims it is very evident that in most cases they do not even know the name of their neigbours.
Some form of an awareness campaign need to be driven from somewhere and we are looking at this at present

Anyone interested in getting involved is welcome to contact me :  0828051615   or

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